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We’re happy to announce that we’re (finally) able to bring the complete design of our app to life.
Release 3.0 upgrades CozZo to all-inclusive food, home, and personal supplies tracker and all-purpose shopping lists tool. You might be already familiar with apps that provide the “multiple lists” feature and we have put a lot of thought to combine the familiar CozZo “At Home” and “To Buy” lists with the new, “Spaces” and “Lists” screens.
We also made sure to integrate “Spaces” and “Lists” to work together seamlessly as part of an overall expiry tracking solution so that you are able to keep tabs not only on food but also on medications, cosmetics, and other home & personal supplies that have a due date and frequently end up in the bin, unused.
1. All-Inclusive Storage Spaces Scheme
You can arrange your various food, home, and personal supplies into different, custom-named storage spaces depending on their purpose or storage conditions. If you are a CozZo Household Account subscriber, you will get 7 additional predefined space selections, such as a storage room, medicine, box, bathroom, etc.
You can view all items in your “At Home” screen or switch to Spaces view and customize your storage to best reflect your home habits, as well as create an unlimited number of storage spaces.
Having items digitally sorted by their specific place of storage, allows you to get a much better overview of what is running-out, what is approaching expiry date and what has been used up. It is easier and faster to update quantities and send particular items to the shopping list when they are digitally grouped together as a separate space and you are physically standing in this specific space. A quick check of the bathroom cabinet and shelves will prevent the catastrophe of standing with your hair just washed but not conditioner to apply.
Space Building Wizard
If you are using the multiple-space inventories for the first time, CozZo can automatically create a freezer, fridge and pantry space for your quick start. All the products on your kitchen counter will be instantly arranged based on their best storage conditions. You can also use this feature if you want to rearrange your current inventory from scratch.
2. All-Purpose Shopping Lists
With its dual-view (Lists / All Items) all-purpose shopping lists, CozZo covers all your possible shopping scenarios. You can arrange your shopping items into different lists and give them custom names depending on your household store preferences. If you are subscribing to the household account, you can choose between 7 additional predefined shopping lists such as a deli, farmer’s market, pharmacy, etc.
Customize your shopping planner and create an unlimited number of lists for stores/venues, eg: Lidl, Ikea, Metro, Target, Whole Foods, etc. You can also create one-time lists for special occasions or purposes, such as Christmas, Easter, picnic, birthday party, etc., for better planning and overview of what needs or has already been bought.
Everyone in your household can then just add the items that need to be bought at the specific store to the corresponding list.
3.Storage and Shopping Lists, Additional Features
Kitchen Counter
The digital kitchen counter is a virtual space, just like your actual, physical kitchen counter, where you sort out all the purchases you bought home and arrange them in their designated storage spaces. Similarly, all the items marked as bought will automatically arrive at your digital kitchen counter.
Here you will also find the items that have been added directly, but not assigned specific storage space. CozZo matches the product’s storage condition with the available storage spaces, to help your sort your kitchen counter quickly. Once all items are cleared, the kitchen counter will automatically disappear, so you will know you have no further items from your last shopping waiting to be stored.
View by Spaces or Lists
You can view all your food, home, and personal supplies by storage spaces. Similarly, you can view the items in your shopping planner by shopping lists. At any moment, you can switch back and forth between ‘view by all items’ and ‘view by spaces’. If you are using the household account and the other members find viewing items by different lists or storage spaces too complicated, they can switch to the ‘all items’ view. Still, everyone else can choose to see the ‘to buy’ and ‘at home’ items either by shopping lists, by storage space or both.
Reorder Spaces and Lists

Grab a row to reorder Space or List
You can personalize the order of your shopping lists or storage spaces through up-and-down dragging, to best fit your routines and habits.
Automatic Shelf Life Update
CozZo automatically updates the shelf-life of a product according to the storage condition in which the item is placed. If you buy fresh fish and decide to freeze it instead of keeping it in the fridge, CozZo will extend its shelf life without you having to go to any further trouble.
4. Personal Lists and Spaces
With CozZo Household Account subscription you can turn any spaces or lists created by you into personal ones. The lists, the spaces, as well as all the items in them won’t be visible from other household members.
Use those lists for personal items, such as cosmetics, sanitary items, medicine, etc., that you don’t want or need other members to see or engage with, but also, when planning a surprise party for one of your household members. This feature is especially helpful if you are sharing your home with roommates and need a certain degree of privacy.
5. CozZo Dashboard Widget
CozZo Dashboard is a 3 fold widget that shows a status overview of your digital catalogs: items that expire today, items that expire in 2 days, items that are expired and items that are running low.
The full expanded widget shows tappable cards for shopping lists that have items in them. The count of the items is displayed in the top left corner and you can open the list directly by tapping on it.
The widget changes its colors automatically when your phone goes into the dark mode, supported by iOS 13.
Extending Your Good Practices
We at CozZo embrace the belief that positive changes in one part of our lives, easily spills over to other areas. Therefore, we have designed the app to assist you in seamlessly extending your improved food waste-reducing habits to the rest of your home. By being more mindful about the way you manage the rest of your household and personal supplies you can significantly reduce the amount of overall waste you create in your home.
You may throw away expired medicine or cosmetics less often than spoiled food, but its contribution to environmental contamination is no less lethal. So having a clear picture of what medicine you already have at home and when it is due to expire, will prevent you from shopping the entire prescription recipe every time you visit the doctor. You will be less wasteful, more frugal and more caring about the environment.
But it’s not just medicine. CozZo helps you keep track of all the supplies in your home by storage space, expiry date, and quantities and makes their replenishing part of a broader household shopping agenda.
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