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We are sure you have seen the print-out tables (like the one on the right) ready for you to fill out every Sunday evening, ideally with your whole family involved, where everyone gets a say in what you eat for the week ahead. We wonder what you think of them, but to us, they are a recipe for failure and family frustration.
We’ve been told over and over again that weekly or even monthly food planning is the vital first step to a waste-free kitchen. But planning food in this traditional way is not only unsustainable but has become a key driver of food waste in many modern households.
This way was perfect when life was slow and predictable, and the family member had no other choice or obligations other than to eat their meals together at home. But this is just not something that happens anymore.
Due to the busy and unpredictable schedules that take a huge time and energy toll on us, we end up buying more than we can prepare, preparing more than we are able to eat, and throwing away way more than we would like.
“My Cookbook” Cooking Planner
At CozZo, we dared to rethink the traditional approach to food planning. We created an approach that actually works for us and fits into our busy schedules and unpredictable change of plans.
The latest CozZo updates introduced a new module – the cooking planner. Now you can bring your favorite recipes from various cooking websites into the new “My Cookbook” page.
CozZo cloud-powered AI instantly matches them to the products that you have in stock, displays a “ring” indicator, and a brief of how many ingredients are in.
By default, “My Cookbook” shows the recipes with most matches on top, the list can be re-sorted by the latest adds.
Now you can quickly plan your family lunch, dinner, or next morning meals at any time, anywhere.
Recipe Details and Shortcuts
The recipe page allows you to view all recipe information – preparation times, ingredients, step-by-step instructions, and author notes.
We have integrated a number of shortcuts to link the recipe to CozZo inventory and shopping lists:
- “To Buy” and “Buy More” buttons that add to your shopping list missing ingredients.
- “Add Cooked Meal” button that adds the recipe name and photo (requires HA) as a “Home Cooked” meal to be tracked for expiry.
- Each matched item is a button that opens the product details, allowing you to reduce the used up quantity and view the item photo (requires HA).
Recipe Finder
Quickly discover and add recipes with the “Recipe Finder” search page.
Use natural language queries and filter by your cuisine, diet, and intolerances preferences to find the perfect match. CozZo helps you run multiple searches faster by remembering your filters.
Household Account subscription allows you to browse the found recipes, see if their ingredients match the currency stocked products, and save them to your favorite list.
My Sites
Create a shortcut list of your favorite cooking blogs and top culinary websites.
Import recipes from thousands* of sites with CozZo Household Account subscription.
Recipe Ideas By CozZo
Finally, we added a page that displays easy and quick recipes, selected by us. You can expect to find various recipes that match your current inventory for quick inspiration.
So that is our take on food planning – simple, agile, and most of all, accommodating your lifestyle and schedule not fighting with or against it.
*You can check if CozZo can import a recipe from your favorite site for free.
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