The summer may mean down-time for many but for us here at CozZo we have been busy working on yet more exciting developments to the app. The new update of CozZo features 2 brilliant new features.
Firstly, grocery receipt reading(or scanning) will make adding items from your in-store or online shopping into your inventory quick and efficient. Secondly, the ability to flag ‘Urgent buy’ items, for those essentials that just can’t wait until the next day.
Multi-Receipt Reader
CozZo receipt reader takes the hard work out of adding a long shopping list to your home inventory. The reader extracts accurately purchased items from up to 5 receipts at once in a matter of seconds.
All household members can snap photos of grocery receipts as they shop and CozZo will save them to all devices in your account. This feature will be particularly useful for bigger shops taking any pain out of adding multiple items at a time to your ‘At Home’ list.
Urgent Buys Flag
This new feature brings the ability to mark the items that need to be purchased as soon as possible as “Urgent”.
Within our on-going ‘to buy’ list there are often items that are urgent and need picking up today – perhaps ingredients for tonight’s dinner or staples such as milk/bread/toilet roll, which can’t wait until the weekend.
It is now easy to flag these items in the app with an ‘Urgent’ flag. All household members will be informed these items have been ‘flagged’ with ! indicators on iPhone/iPad/Watch and counters in the “At Home’ view and CozZo Dashboard widget.
Now, the person nearest to a shop can pop in for those items on their way home!

Smart Receipt Processing
CozZo automatically discards most non-product texts on the receipt (loyalty card points etc) and replaces abbreviations to ensure the product names are easily readable and make sense when you look back at your inventory.
The receipt processing also has the ability to “blacklist” specific items to be automatically discarded in future lists if you would prefer not to add them next time.
Additional Receipt Readings
The convenience of the receipt reading feature comes as a benefit to all CozZo Household Account subscribers, however, if you do not subscribe (although with so many great features why wouldn’t you!) you can opt to purchase 50 or 100 receipt reader uses without upgrading.
If you choose to upgrade later, unused purchased uses will be added to your subscription, so you will never miss out.
We are sure you will agree that these new features make getting in control of your kitchen and cutting your food waste even easier, so come and join the food waste revolution!
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