Start Your Journey to a Waste-Free Kitchen with CozZo Food Management Course

We are inviting you to join the growing community of people who are concerned about food waste and determined to turn their kitchen into a waste-free oasis.

And we are here to help. While immersing ourselves deeply into the issue of household food waste, during our R&D process, we accumulated a lot of hands-on know-how that can prevent food waste at home.  We are inspired by the positive changes that happen as a result of tweaking our food management habits. With a strong urge to share these finding with you, we put this course together.

Statistics are grim. Currently, 53% of all food waste in developed countries is happening on a household level. The inconvenient truth is that household waste doesn’t simply “occur”. It is the collective result of how we manage the food that enters our homes. Some of us waste less, others more, but the net effect of the cumulative behaviour of people in rich countries is 222 million tonnes of wasted food per year. Еvery one of us can contribute to reversing this trend.
We believe that making small adjustments in the way we manage our food can have a huge impact on wasting less!

You can start today by signing up for our interactive “food management at home” course. It will provide for your consideration ideas on how to transform your habits at the various stages so that you will:

  • Rethink your approach to food planning
  • Test your food management and storage know-how
  • Get in control of your fridge and pantry
  • Avoid overbuying (that leads to food waste)
  • Become an expert on food expiry and storage
  • Prepare food mindfully and with less hassle
  • Use up your food in time

And as a result, BIN LESS!

To give enough time for consideration, we’ll deliver the course to your email in 7 parts. You will receive ‘Part 1’ right away, the rest – in a few days time. You can unsubscribe anytime.

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