It’s easy to over buy on groceries and end up with a lot of extra food knocking around. We stock up on fresh food, cater for larger numbers of people and probably overestimate just how much we really need to feed family and friends.
Learning how to store your food correctly will not only keep it from spoiling for longer but also save you from wasted expenditure. We have selected some useful info-graphics that show how best to store goods and how to manage your fridge and freezer.
The first one lists nearly 60 everyday ingredients and offers guidance on where to store, how to store and just how long each ingredient will stay fresh.
Once you know those guidelines, you can start managing your food stock based on your own judgement, instead of misleading food labels. We strongly encourage you to do this and for making the whole process a lot easier, our upcoming iPhone app(CozZo) has a “Use Within” date selection feature for entering “How Long it will keep” estimates.
Learn more in our second guide
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